Pool School

New Pool Owner Orientation  |  Pro New-Hire Education  |  Pro Trade Skill Training

Pool School

Our pool school offers online training courses that have been designed by industry professionals who have personally done this work for many years. Our courses have been designed to accommodate the specific needs and challenges of a number of stakeholders including: Homeowners, professional pool service weekly maintenance technicians, repair technicians, leak detection technicians, and more.

Enterprise Training Platform

Provide, Track, and Manage Employee Training

Our enterprise training packages provide companies both small and large with access to an online platform storing educational content for their employees. This helps companies to effectively onboard new employees with key pool trade skills in a concise, organized, trackable fashion.

Our online Learning Management System (LMS) provides employers with the ability to track the progress and scores of their employees on each module they are subscribed to so that they can train multiple levels of their staff: from new hires, to repair technicians, to leak detection specialists, and commercial specialists.

Our system is designed to enable organizations to facilitate their training needs on a constant basis and helps them build talent within their organization without having to hire new external staff in order to bring more skills into their organization, all in a cost-effective manner.

Homeowner Pool School

Learn the basics to handle your home pool

A perfect primer course for homeowners who need to learn how to manage basic weekly care for their pool.

Learn how to how to:

  • Test pool water
  • Add chemicals to achieve water balance
  • Identify some common pool safety hazards
  • Identify pool equipment types and understand what they do
  • Clean your filter and equipment baskets
  • Know WHEN to call a professional

While there is NO replacement for a professional service, many pool owners need to know how to manage the pool so they can keep things going when a pool service company isn’t available. This course helps them understand the key basic concepts. 

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Get CPO Certification

Getting CPO certified is an important step for professionals who manage pools as part of their work and career. Learn how CPO certification can help your team.

Marketing Services

With years of experience and training we can build and manage your company’s branding, website and online advertising in cost effective ways that make sense.

Accounting Services

Bench Accounting is an online accounting service for small businesses that helps them manage this function remotely. Get your books organized with Bench’s services today.

Consulting Services

Businesses in this industry often have similar challenges. We’ve been there before so you don’t have to. We are happy to help you solve organizational challenges.

Get Business Financing

Speak with a licensed loan officer about securing business financing to fund your operation.